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We’ve partnered with The Salvation Army this year for a Christmas Toy Drive – Sharing with The Shield! Bring or ship new, unopened toys for children ages birth-2 years and 9-12 years to FMRT Offices located in Asheville, Charlotte, Greenville, Raleigh, and Winston-Salem by December 14th!  Lend a hand in ‘Sharing with The Shield’ this holiday season!

Here’s to 2021!

INSIGHTS FROM CEO As we approach the new year, we reflect on all the previous year’s lessons and successes. 2020 has been challenging in more ways than one; however, there have been some major obstacles that we’ve been able to overcome. With COVID-19 completely changing the world, as a business, we learned to pivot and […]

FMRT Holiday Hours

INSIGHTS FROM CEO The holidays are upon us, and we know calendars are filling up, so we wanted to share our holiday hours to help you plan. We also want to inform you that FMRT’s Client Services Team is committed to ensuring minimal disruption during this time with scheduling and report receipt. The FMRT Group’s […]

What is a Psychological Screening Examination?

INSIGHTS FROM CEO Because safety-sensitive employers desire dependable and professional psychological evaluations as an integral part of the applicant hiring process, we thought it best to clarify the accepted terms used by police and public safety psychologists. We hope this information will be helpful as our state public safety entities create guidelines. Psychological Screening Examination, Psychological Screening Evaluation, Pre-Employment Psychological […]

Navigating FMRT Online

INSIGHTS FROM CEO Thank you for your patience as we continue to transition to the new FMRT Online. Through this process, we have learned some new information that may help operate the website. When using FMRT Online, please make sure you are using a compatible browser. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Firefox work best. Using […]

Fire and Emergency Services


INSIGHTS FROM CEO The 21st Century Fire and Emergency Services white paper developed by subject matter experts, the CPSE, and the ICME staff, outlines critical issues impacting government entities, including fire departments. The white paper provides initiatives that fire departments will need to consider to remain viable.  White Paper Below are proactive ways to address the increased mental health challenge(s) […]

Are You In Compliance?

INSIGHTS FROM CEO As a leader in psychology for safety-sensitive employers, we must keep our clients abreast of industry regulations that could be impactful to keeping you in compliance during your hiring process, particularly with pre-employment evaluations. Employers need evaluations that are both efficient and defensible, and FMRT clinicians work to standardize their examinations with appropriate […]

Ongoing Suitability and Mental Wellness

INSIGHTS FROM CEO We have received questions recently about assessing the psychological suitability of current sworn employees. Some of our client agencies are deciding to implement psychological evaluations into their policy as a standard practice – sending sworn personnel every year, two years, or beyond to determine their suitability in their current position. Departments are […]

Assessing Bias Traits During the Hiring Process

INSIGHTS FROM DR.WARREN The recruiting, hiring, and vetting processes of safety-sensitive employment are under pressure from economic, social, time-sensitivity, and other factors. Employers need evaluations that are both efficient and defensible, and FMRT clinicians work to standardize their examinations with appropriate testing and collateral information. FMRT clinicians address any symptoms or problems with adaptive functioning in all […]

Responsible Hiring Can Be Simple

INSIGHTS FROM CEO Our culturally-aware team of licensed psychologists and advanced practice medical professionals provide pre-hire psychological and medical evaluations for law enforcement and other safety-sensitive occupations. Everyday we are helping departments streamline their hiring processes. We know that finding the right candidates can be difficult, but we’re here to help ease that burden. When […]

Psychological Standards

INSIGHTS FROM CEO The FMRT Group is your one-stop-shop for pre-employment services. We can save you time and money by taking care of your psychological and medical needs all in one stop. We understand how psychological standards are defined in the industry. Specifically, a battery of assessments with a clinical interview is used to determine suitability. Our board-certified […]

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