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We’ve partnered with The Salvation Army this year for a Christmas Toy Drive – Sharing with The Shield! Bring or ship new, unopened toys for children ages birth-2 years and 9-12 years to FMRT Offices located in Asheville, Charlotte, Greenville, Raleigh, and Winston-Salem by December 14th!  Lend a hand in ‘Sharing with The Shield’ this holiday season!

Important Updates


As guidelines and employer needs change, FMRT pivots to make the necessary updates to our processes. We’ve made revisions to our medical evaluation procedures and FMRT Online. We hope you find these changes helpful and welcome feedback.

Medical Evaluation
Suppose FMRT’s medical examiner finds that an applicant has potential medical barriers based on the NC Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards and NC Sheriff’s Education and Training Standards Commission Medical Screening Guidelines. In this case, employers will receive a medical disclaimer, including this information:

FMRT understands, “if any of these conditions are controlled, then they may be non-disqualifying.” As the employer, you may choose to have the applicant or employee obtain additional information from his/her primary care physician or specialist. An FMRT clinician can review additional information and determine if any edits to the state form and medical report are required. The potential barriers are noted in the medical report and documented on the F-2, as required by the medical guidelines. You may decide that the F-2 and medical report’s current findings are sufficient to make your decision and provide it to either the Criminal Justice or Sheriff’s Education and Training Standards Commission.

If you would like to submit additional medical information for an FMRT examiner to review, please have the applicant’s medical provider or specialist send their documents directly to reports@fmrt.org.

Please call 336.306.8148 or email reports@fmrt.org if you have any questions or need further assistance.  

This modification will help expedite the decision-making process. As employers, you will no longer have to wait to receive supplemental information from FMRT. Instead, it is your decision whether or not you want the applicant to visit their PCP, specialist or obtain additional medical material. FMRT’s medical examiners’ responsibility will continue to include a thorough examination and document any concerns that may impact public safety applicants’ specific job functions.

To read the full Potential Medical Barriers Disclaimer, click here.


Elizabeth Morris, M.A.


Phone: 336-761-0764 ext. 1011

Email: elizabeth@fmrt.org 

FMRT Updates

FMRT Online User Guide

Thank you for your patience as we continue to transition to the new FMRT Online. We created a user guide to assist employers as they navigate the new and improved platform. Please contact Jennifer Beauchamp (Jennifer@fmrt.org) with questions or need help troubleshooting. To access the FMRT Online User Guide, click here.

New Client Employers!

We want to welcome our newest clients: Western Carolina University Police, Hickory Fire Department, and Cornelius Fire Department, all from North Carolina. We look forward to a long and healthy working relationship with you!

We Want Your Feedback

Your feedback helps us improve our services and ensure we are meeting all client expectations. To help us make the best choices, we value your insight and want your feedback.
We thank you for your survey response and appreciate your input.
Click Here to Take Survey

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