Learn About PTSD And How Your Compassion Can Help People Recover From Trauma
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is extremely common. So common that the term PTSD, like many terms in psychology, is often misunderstood, misused, and missed in general. It affects police officers, EMTs, and veterans. It affects abuse survivors and vulnerable children. It affects survivors of wildfires and mass shootings. It affects civilians during times of […]
How do Heroes Cope after a Disaster?
“No one who witnesses a disaster is untouched by it.” – Kendall Pfeffer This simple statement sometimes misses the impact disasters have on First Responders. Nobody wants to go through wildfires, earthquakes, pandemics, floods, and hurricanes. When natural disasters do happen, the public relies on their firefighters, police officers, soldiers, EMTs, and paramedics to be […]
Police in the age of protests
Talking about the current relationship between law enforcement and protesters is like poking a raw nerve. The George Floyd Protests of 2020 may be past but not forgotten. We believe that the majority of men and women first responders in our country were appalled and disgusted by the acts of Derek Chauvin. Still, the fallout […]
Veterans Seeking Jobs and How To Help
The United States Military is great at training soldiers, but it’s not very good at veteran reintegration into civilian life. Former service members don’t have much time to switch gears before the bills start coming due, and that makes the job search an immediate priority. However, other than a small group of industries like law […]
What is Corrections Fatigue and How to Help
What is Corrections Fatigue and How to Help Public Safety staff in the United States Prison System have a thankless job and a wildly underappreciated stress level. They experience a perfect storm of operational and traumatic stressors that affect their mental wellness, relationships, and ability to feel fulfillment and joy. Some studies say Corrections Officers […]
Resilience in the Workforce
Police Chief Magazine defines resilience as “the ability to effectively and calmly master and transcend adverse circumstances and devastating losses.”1 Resilient people not only make sounder decisions when faced with challenges, but they demonstrate the capacity to maintain healthy dispositions and energy levels despite them. More and more, this skill is increasingly necessary for public […]